Sunday, 1 March 2020

Foray into Fairisle Part III Cont'd...

So, what did I do with that hat?? Well, in the end, nothing!
I bought a ball of silver grey and started another hat with the rest of the mustard, knowing that at some point I would run out and would then unpick the first hat to re-use the yarn.
I made the rib and got half way up the snowflake but wasn't convinced it looked better. The mustard certainly looked a lot brighter. A lot!! But not better with the silvergrey... There just wasn't enough contrast I think.
I had posted this pic on instgram, asking what people thought -

Tina's Allsorts

Someone suggested taking a photo in b&w as the contrast would show up clearly.

Tina's Allsorts

The difference is remarkable isn't it?? I would never have thought of doing that.
So yes, the mustard looked much brighter but just didn't work with the silver grey...

Tina's Allsorts

Back to the shop I went and bought a ball of cerise pink instead to use with the silvergrey. And I made sure I took a pic in b&w in the shop to check the contrast!!
I also decided to make another Baa-ble Hat, rather than the snowflake.

Tina's Allsorts

Much better!!!! Just wait til you see what I did next though!