Sunday, 18 December 2016

Stress and tension

Just another quick hello today. It has been a HUGELY  stressful week at work with Christmas payroll to prepare and process - the biggest of the year and the least amount of time to do it...
But it's all done now, thank goodness so I can relax a bit. Just a bit...
I can't wait for next Tuesday - the last day of the Christmas Market! Much though I love the traders who join us, I don't love the crowds to battle through at lunchtime or the dreadful smells from the food court. Burgers, onions and grease all day. Ugh!

On the knitting front, these are the romper suits my friend has knitted for my niece's baby. They turned out really well but it does go to show why checking your tension against the pattern is so important. They should be identical but are made from different brands of wool. The green one has a bit of wool in it and the cream is just acrylic - and there's a whole size difference. But that gives room for growth. 

She sent me a photo yesterday of baby Violet modelling the green one and it fits just right. 

Doesn't she look adorable! 

I haven't made anything myself this week on the crafting front although I have done most of my Christmas shopping. And written cards. I toyed with idea of the eco-friendly emailed card again but went for proper cards in the end. If you're going to email a card,you should do it early rather than later so it doesn't look like you forgot/couldn't be bothered! Maybe next year. 

I did something really daring this week  (for me) and changed my phone and have almost joined the 21st century. Almost...
A friend has given me her old Lumia smartphone handset and I spent a good 3 weeks giving the camera a thorough workout to be sure it was as good as my trusty old Sony Ericsson  (9 yrs old and still works) before ordering a new sim card that would fit. It picks up the wifi at home so I can surf and email and all sorts! That was so much fun I've actually joined Instagram! And (sharp intake of breath) I've even set up a Folksy account!!! WOO HOO!! Although I haven't put anything up for sale yet... I thought it might be an ideal place to try and sell my Peacock Tail Bag and maybe a mandala or two. Of course, I should have done that in time for people to buy them as Christmas gifts but at least I got this far!!

I have a nice long break this Christmas, so I'll do it then. My first full break for ten years. Normally accounts work at least one day in the office each while the rest of the building is off but (so far) the day I volunteered for it turned out I wouldn't be needed. Result! And I've taken time off in the shop too, so I'll have 11 days off for visiting friends and family, crafting, maybe selling and definitely lots of relaxing! 

I'll add links to Instagram and Folksy to the sidebar next week but you can search for me under TinasAllsorts if you want to before then. 

That's it for today - try not to get too stressed yourself, no one will thank you for it.  T  ☺


  1. Violet looks absolutely gorgeous in your romper suit, you did such a fabulous job on it!

    1. Thankyou Josie!! However...I can't take the credit for knitting it. I have a lovely friend who does all my knitting for me. I can knit and could have made it - I just might not have finished it!
