But the crafty things at home have kept me sane!
I've been thinking about what I could say today and realised there are several things actually, so thought it wise to make a list, or I know I'd log off then remember something else!! -
1. My shawl is finished, blocked and beautiful
2. My Tooty Harmony Blanket is coming along nicely
3. My p*a*t*t*e*r*n has been downloaded over 800 times!
4. My cosie is in the current issue
5. My blog has reached another magic number!!
Firstly then, my beautiful Leaf Edged Shawl is finished, blocked and oh so beautiful!!!!
The yarn is incredibly soft but then it would be as it's 70% merino & 30% nylon. I bought it from RingaRosieYarns in Blyth, Northumberland - a fabulous wool shop with a lovely owner and I can't wait to visit again!!
And the p*a*t*t*e*r*n is quite lovely too - I'll be making this again, possibly quite soon! Next time though, I'll work the short rows in the opposite direction, ie start with the longest row and get shorter, rather than start with the shortest and get longer. I might also work moss stitch instead of stocking stitch. Might.
My Tooty Harmony Blanket is growing nicely too. I tried to get Dad to take a photo of me holding it up but he couldn't manage to take a photo with my tablet. I think maybe his skin was too dry for the touch screen, or he thought he had to press and hold rather than tap the shutter button. So here's a pic I took of him holding it!!
I've made one or 2 changes to the colour recipe from Lucy of Attic24 that I'm following but they're very minor. I've worked just over 50 rows which measures nearly 20 inches long and it's about 50 inches wide. It's going to be BIG! Want another pic?
Speaking of my blanket, the p*a*t*t*e*r*n for my original Tooty Stripey Blanket has now been downloaded from Ravelry over 800 times!! Woo Hoo!! A lady on Instagram says as soon as she's finished her current project, she will be giving it a try - I can't wait to see someone elses pictures!
(And please excuse the use of the **'s in p*a*t*t*e*r*n - it does seem to have stopped the robots picking up the links to it, although I'm sure it won't be long before I see it on another website somewhere...)
Now for some exciting news!! Remember last week I said my prize for my Tea Cosie had arrived?? (A prize consisting of a very generous quantity of yarn that arrived on Monday.) Well, yesterday my subscription issue of Crochet Now (issue 18) dropped through the letterbox and I settled down with a cup of coffee for a read in the afternoon and look what I saw -
OMG!!!! There's my cosie lined up next to the other winners and it looks like I didn't just get a runner-up prize along with a lot of others like I thought after all but that I was very close to actually winning!! Wow!! Can you imagine the size of the grin on my face when I realised??!!
I'm really glad I made the effort to take part and not just because I won but because it supports such a worth while cause. I'm still trying to find another tea pot it will fit before I offer it to the local branch of Marie Curie. There's no point offering a tea cosie without a pot - and as I've discovered over the last 2 weeks, tea pots really are going out of fashion. The charity shops have had almost none. I'm so glad I stopped making them when I did... (Take a look at the Tea Cosie tab at the top of the page to see what I mean.)
And look at the winning cosie - isn't it just the most incredible cosie you've ever seen?? It's on a theme of a Mad Hatters Tea Party from Alice in Wonderland. Just STUNNING! I don't mind coming second to a cosie like that at all. The winner's prize (a lady called Lyndsay McFarlane) included having her design in the magazine but it's so complicated they're going to run it as a series on their blog instead. I'm quite tempted to make it myself!

And to finish today - and this is a really lovely way to round off a week of crochet and knitting highlights after the crap at work - I've just logged in to see this - 33,333 views of my little blog!! Yes, THIRTY THREE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED & THIRTY THREE!!!
I do love a magic number don't you?? Til next time, T xXx