Monday, 6 January 2020

A New Year Ta - Dah!

Happy New Year! And let's face it,  I'm just no good at blogging anymore...
Admittedly, 2019 was one of my worst years in many ways,  so blogging was not high on my agenda but even so, if you look back at how often I've posted each year they just go down and down!
But I'm not going to stop entirely - just say that I will be an infrequent visitor. 😕

If you'd like to see what I've been making over the past year, then pop across to
Instagram for a scroll through. I wish it would let me share to blogger... For the moment I'll show you my most recent make. To be completely honest, as I type this, it isn't actually finished  - I ran out of yarn for the final row, with just 3 feet to go! A trip to the shops later. (All finished now!)

This is the Little Gem Blanket ( #littlegemblanket ) , designed by Marion of @woolthreadpaint , and the pattern is free on her blog.
I went a bit overboard when I was buying yarn and choosing colours - I think I ended up with 25 - the new balls shown in the pic below, plus some from my stash!!!! On reflection, I should have left some out but it still looks fine.
And the number of colours doesn't seem to have bothered anyone else as it's been getting a lot of love on Instagram.

I made some changes to the pattern as I went out of necessity, as i wanted to make a rectangular blanket, not square. Plus I went for different colours obviously, and also a different placement of colours for one of the striped borders. But on the whole, I did, for once, (almost!) follow the pattern exactly.
Te weather so far this year has been no better than December.... So I haven't been able to get a photo of the whole blanket in good daylight - and artificial light gives it a decidedly yellow tone unfortunately. So there's no proper ta-dah photo I'm afraid, only fragments... but there's lots of them!!!

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

I had  slight wobble at this point and thought I needed to make a funny shape to make the stitch count work for the next border. It had been 10 weeks since I planned everything and checked the maths to be sure it would all fit - naturally I didn't write any of it down...
Luckily I did remember that all I had to do was add an extra two granny rows to the striped border, then the squares would fit perfectly.
But this pic shows those 2 odd shapes I was going to add to the long edges.

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

Tina's Allsorts, Little Gem Blanket

As and when the sun comes out (while I'm at home!), I'll try and get some full length pics to share.

Happy New Year - and probably see you again a Easter!!! 

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